Friday, October 1, 2010


I always had dreams as a child. It was very rare I didn't dream about something. Usually I had a dream about something that happened the previous day. When that wasn't the case, I dreamed of something very random. I even had dreams that would come back. Those were the weirdest because I always knew what was about to happen but I never did anything different so, well, the same thing happened like last time. Probably the best dreams I had were the ones that I had daydreamed about so it was a dream of my choosing per se. 

To me dreams divide into two sections.

First is just the normal dreams. They usually make complete sense while experiencing it but once I woke up I realized there is no possible way that would ever happen in real life. This is where all the kind of dreams I already talked about fall under. 

The second section even has its own specially assigned name. Nightmares.

These are the worst. I'm sure no one likes them except the mentally unstable and emo people(which could be one and the same). Unlike normal dreams, these seem as real as in dream as it does after I have woken up. Reason for this is still unbeknown do me.

I can still to this day remember some of the most terrifying dreams as a child. One in particular, was this dream with this gorilla. This was one of those psychological fears. I can't remember all the details other than it was back alley dark, like the ones people get mugged in. And then the gorilla, in the darkness of my dream. He was the total stalker kind too. You know, even once you make eye contact they still keep staring.

No escape. Our eyes have met. I was frozen still. 
So, just like any brilliant kid, I thought up a plan while frozen still. The thought process went maybe kinda like this:

Me: Is he going to come rip me to pieces and feed me to his totally not cute monster children?

Conscience: Most definitely.

Me: Great, :( What is he waiting for?

Conscience: Idk, maybe you should ask him. ;)

Me: You crazy?!?! Look at him, he doesn't look like the talking type, after all, he is a gorilla.

 Conscience: I am looking at him. I'M YOU!

Me: Oh yeah. Well we should just figure out a way to get away then, right?

Conscience: If you think you can out run him then go for it. Oh, and we probably shouldn't say 'we,' that implies we are more than one person. Not a good path.

Me: I wasn't talking about running! I was thinking more practical, like maybe waking up. Good call, we will stop.

Conscience: But you just said... nvm. Go ahead smart guy, wake up.

Me: Ok, I'm just going to close my eyes. *closes eyes as tight as we, I mean, I could*

Conscience: ............

Me: .........

Conscience: ........ I don't think this is working. You can't just wake up on command.

Me: Well I'm not opening my eyes.

Conscience: Well you're in charge. He's prob gone, just saying.

Me: You're probably right. :) *I then open my eyes*

......and I see......

.....anyone's logical response as well as mine.......

After that one, I was definitely awake, but my frightening traumatization didn't end on that note. Now that I was awake, I had this eerie feeling as if this gorilla was now in my room. On top of that horrible thought, conscience was gone, which means no new brilliant plans. So thinking on my own, I quickly used my logically supreme mind. And so I cowered under my sheets for safety. 

And there, for the rest of the night, I laid there in horror of the horror in my room. Yes, I was pretty much a coward. But then again, no 9 year old should ever go through something like that.

What's weird is, I didn't even remember that this happened when I woke up. (So yeah, I didn't really lay there in horror for the rest of the night, I eventually fell asleep.) I just remembered this now, and all the frighteningness. But I for sure know this happened when I was young... I think.

P.S. Gorillas are the freakenest hardests thing ever, to draw. Not that I'm good at drawing anyway.

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